Our SEO Approach

We think big and our data-backed SEO strategies gather exceptional praise.

Keyword Research in Kochi

Keyword Research

Keyword Research helps us understand how people are searching on Google for queries which are related to your business. A lot of them will be informational queries and several will have commercial intent. Our objective is to find all possible keyword types and categorize and group them in a logical manner so that we understand the whole universe of searches in an easy manner.

Information Architecture in Kochi

Information Architecture

The logical grouping of keywords based on similar intent and context helps us develop the information architecture of your website. Information architecture is the logical flow of web pages in a website which makes it easy for a user as well as the Google Crawler to navigate, index and save web pages which get better organic rankings for Google searches.

On-Page SEO in Kochi

On-Page SEO

This step refers to implementing focussed content with proper meta tags to ensure Google crawler is able to understand the context, topic, content and level of authority of your webpage. Higher the level of trust and authority for your webpage, higher the chances of better organic ranking for relevant searches.

Technical Optimization in Kochi

Technical & Performance Optimization

This process ensures we have proper URL structure, folder levels, responsiveness, security protocols and interlinking of web pages that helps Google crawlers to crawl your website faster and more frequently.
Web page Loading time is crucial for SEO. Time to load the website including images and Javascript loading time impact organic performance of your website.

Competitor Backlink Analysis in Kochi

Competitor Backlink Analysis

To understand how your competitors are performing, analysing and cloning backlink strategies of your successful competitors can help you improve your organic rankings substantially.

Off-Page SEO in Kochi

Off-Page SEO

Our SEO analysts work on guest blogging, blogger outreach, web 2.0 content, influencer marketing and informational content that can generate authoritative links to your site. A link is essentially a trust vote gained from another website that shows Google that your website is an authority in your niche.

SEO for Informational Searches in Kochi

SEO for Informational Searches

Creating Brand related queries in SERP is crucial for long term success for your business. This essentially means, people identify you as an authority in your niche and are searching for your brand name on Google. This is only possible when you focus relentlessly on solving your user’s problems and try to make their lives better through informational and helpful content. The objective of these content pieces is not to pitch your product or service but rather to help the user.

Leading SEO Service Company In Kochi

Welcome to Rank Higher, the leading SEO Service Company In Kochi

Advanced SEO Strategies by RankHigher: The Premier SEO Company in Kochi

In Kochi's competitive digital marketplace, maintaining a robust online presence is pivotal for business success. RankHigher, as a leading SEO company in Kochi, offers an array of specialized SEO services designed to enhance your digital footprint and drive your business's growth. Here’s an in-depth look at the different facets of SEO services provided by RankHigher:

Detailed On-Page SEO Techniques

  • Content Optimization: At the heart of on-page SEO, content must be optimized for both search engines and users. RankHigher ensures that all content on your website, from blogs to product descriptions, includes targeted keywords that help improve your rankings while maintaining natural readability.
  • HTML Tags and Structure: Effective use of HTML elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and headers (H1, H2, etc.) plays a critical role in on-page optimization. RankHigher meticulously crafts these elements to enhance visibility and click-through rates from search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • URL Structure and Optimization: Clear and concise URLs are favored by search engines and can enhance site navigation and user experience. RankHigher optimizes your website’s URL structure, making it more intuitive and keyword-relevant.
  • Image SEO: Images are not only vital for user engagement but also for SEO. RankHigher optimizes all images with appropriate file names and alt text to ensure they contribute to your SEO efforts.

Technical SEO and Website Architecture

  • Website Speed Optimization: Speed is a critical factor for both search engines and user experience. RankHigher utilizes advanced techniques to minimize load times, such as optimizing image sizes, leveraging browser caching, and improving server response times.
  • Mobile-Friendly Website: With mobile traffic increasingly dominating the web, RankHigher ensures your website is fully responsive and mobile-friendly, thus improving your rankings and user experience across all devices.
  • Secure Website (HTTPS): Security is a top priority for Google and users. RankHigher aids in migrating your site to HTTPS to safeguard data and improve trust and SERP positions.
  • Crawl Efficiency: RankHigher optimizes your website’s crawl efficiency by enhancing your robots.txt file and sitemap, ensuring that search engines can easily access and index your content.

Sophisticated Off-Page SEO and Link Building Strategies

  • High-Quality Backlinking: Building a portfolio of high-quality backlinks is essential for improving domain authority. RankHigher employs white-hat strategies to secure backlinks from reputable and relevant websites, enhancing your site's trustworthiness and search rankings.
  • Social Media Integration: Leveraging social media platforms can significantly boost your SEO efforts by driving traffic and increasing brand visibility. RankHigher integrates your SEO strategy with social media optimization to maximize your digital presence.

Interlinking and Information Architecture

  • Smart Interlinking: Effective interlinking involves more than just connecting pages on your website. RankHigher strategically places internal links to distribute page authority throughout your site and improve navigation for users, which enhances overall site performance in search rankings.
  • Information Architecture Optimization: RankHigher designs a coherent information structure that makes it easy for search engines to understand and rank the content hierarchy of your website. This involves organizing content so that pages are logically categorized and more efficiently crawled.

Performance Monitoring and Continuous Optimization

  • Analytics and Performance Tracking: RankHigher utilizes advanced tools like Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance. Insights gathered from data analytics are used to continually refine and optimize your SEO strategies.
  • Regular Updates and Algorithm Compliance: With search algorithms constantly evolving, RankHigher stays ahead of the curve by updating your SEO strategies based on the latest changes. This proactive approach ensures your website remains competitive in the SERPs.


As the leading SEO company in Kochi, RankHigher is dedicated to providing comprehensive SEO services that drive results. By focusing on advanced on-page strategies, technical optimization, sophisticated link-building techniques, and continuous performance evaluation, RankHigher ensures your business achieves its maximum online potential. Let RankHigher help you dominate the digital landscape in Kochi through tailored SEO solutions designed for sustained business growth.

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