Top 10 Things that Make Your Tweet Shareable

Things that Make Your Tweet Shareable

What makes your content share-worthy? As business owners, marketers, agencies, we are all struggling to create content that gets "Viral". We are all trying to get user's limited attention span. We are all frantically looking out for magic pills that can immediately propel our content to success. We are all trying to get visitors to our websites which will probably lead to sales. There are over 140 million users on Twitter alone and they are tweeting 340 million times a day. That is roughly 4000 tweets per second! Whoa! You read it right, there are roughly 4000 tweets per second. So every second you spend on twitter, 4000 new tweets are being tweeted globally. So, if your content reaches the right audience, imagine the number of times it can get tweeted and how much "virality" it will bring to your website. However, there is more than 99% chance that your tweet will get lost amidst all those 4000 tweets! You only have a fraction of a second to capture a user's attention, so that is all you have to make your content readable and shareable.

Top 10 Things that make your Tweet shareable:

Tweet the points which you like and help the content be discovered by others 1. The tweet should be small and have a compelling call to action. (TWEET) 2. The #tags should be researched properly so that it reaches the right audience. (TWEET) 3. Do not use more than 2 #tags per tweet as it makes the tweet look spammy (TWEET) 4. Experiment with different tweets and CTAs for one content. See which works (TWEET) 5. Rotate your tweet at different times of the day and week. Measure response (TWEET) 6. People share content that makes them look smart to others. Compose the Tweet keeping this in mind (TWEET) 7. Use a picture along with the tweet. It increases engagement (TWEET) 8. Twitter is not about posting tweets. Focus on conversations (TWEET) 9. Ask people to Retweet. If they are reading your tweet, why not ask them to share (TWEET) 10. Give back before you get. RT others tweets and thank people often. They will soon give back (TWEET)   So, did you Tweet any one of the points mentioned above? If not, you can TWEET  again. Did you like the points listed? What could be the other ways to get your tweets shared? Let me know your thoughts below.